Disk auto assigned to the wrong pool and owner in a MetroCluster
Applies to
Newly replaced drive auto assigned to the wrong pool and owner:
Wed Apr 08 09:17:46 UTC [nodeA: dmgr_thread: raid.disk.inserted:info]: Disk 3b.125L517 Shelf 11 Bay 16 [NETAPP X438_S1633400AMD NA01] S/N [S20XXXX] UID [5002538A:758137E0:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000] has been inserted into the system
Wed Apr 08 09:17:46 UTC [nodeA: config_check: config.BadPoolAssign:error]: Disk 1.11.16 is in Pool0 and other disks on this loop/domain are in Pool1. Disks/interfaces need to be in separate pools for SyncMirror.