Unable to set up cloud secure application on Agent VM behind Zscaler proxy
Applies to
- Cloud Secure (CS)
- Zscaler proxy
CS Agent server is behind Zscaler proxy and the agent installation is failing.
The error in Cloud secure logs is as follows
,2021-08-30T04:40:31,265 [ERROR] [prod] [tenant_id] [agent_id] [agent-ActorSystemImpl] - Failed to configure agent. Reason: Certificate request failed, reason: Sign Agent certificate request failed. Http request POST:/rest/v1/agents/cert failed with error PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Another error seen in
for same issue,2021-10-19T06:29:35,501 [ERROR] [prod] [tenant_id] [agent_id] [agent-LogStreamingActor] - Failed to stream[retry] 128 log messages to https://server_name.cloudinsights.netapp.com:443/rest/v1/log-receiver/logs with error: Certificate chaining error