Restoring a backup from Cloud Backup Service is failing
Applies to
- Cloud Backup Service (CBS)
- Cloud Manager
- Endpoints
When restoring a Snapshot from Cloud Backup Service, the restore is failing and producing the following error:
Tue Dec 14 20:19:11 +0000 [cvo-01: mgwd: mgmtgwd.jobmgr.jobcomplete.failure:info]: Job "SnapMirror restore" [id 6102] (snapmirror restore from source "netapp-backup-xxxxxxxxxxxx:/objstore/xxxxxxxxxx" for the snapshot daily.2021-12-02_0010) completed unsuccessfully: Failed to get the object store endpoint information for "netapp-backup-xxxxxxxxx:/objstore/xxxxxxxxxx" and set it in "svm_cvo:some_restore". (Filesystem error (can't find message catalog entry for 6684767)) (1258185).