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NetApp Stage KB

How to change the process and concurrency limits of scanner and transferrer in Cloud Sync

Last Updated:


Applies to

Cloud Sync


  • Scanner/Transfer process concurrency can be changed from Cloud Manager UI or from the Data broker Command line. 
    • Using Cloud Manager UI :
      • On the Cloud Manager sync page click "Manage Data Broker" tab

  • Click on Settings icon next to the data Broker Groups

  • Set the process and concurrency limits and click "Unify Configuration"

  • Using Data Broker CLI:
    • This is how to change number of concurrent files being processed to 30 (default is 50) per transferrer process.
      • So in total, the Data Broker will process 120 files (30 per core) on a 4 core CloudSync instance
  • Access the broker(s) via SSH and execute the following (sudo maybe required to execute commands):

> pm2 stop all

> vi /opt/netapp/databroker/config/local.json



"transferrer": {




> pm2 start all

Additional Information

  • Remember that the concurrency you set is per core. So if it has 4 cores and set to 30, you have 120 files being processed at once. 
  • Please note that this would need to be done per Data Broker


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