TSM snapdiff backups are failing when using VSADMIN role
Applies to
- Storage virtual machines (SVM, formerly known as Vservers)
- IBM Spectrum Protect backup-archive 8.1.10 (formerly TSM "Tivoli Storage Manager")
- Snapdiff incremental backups
- Snapdiff backups are failing to start on the Data SVM level (using snapdiff user with vsadmin role)
- A Snapdiff backup operation is failing with a TSM error:
ANS2839E Failed with ONTAPI error 'Authorization failed' while connecting to NetApp Filer 'filer-host'' using user id 'snapdiff-user'. You might have provided credentials incorrectly for this Filer.
ANS2832E Incremental by snapshot difference failed for \\xxx\yyy.
A client service trace shows the following error:
[xxx] : ..\..\common\hci\NAHWInterface.cpp(6062): naEstablishConnection():
system-get-version: failed: rc=10061, reason='Can't connect to host (err=10061).'
- Backups are working fine when targeting the Admin-SVM's cluster management LIF (using snapdiff user with Admin role)