Is it safe to delete a Host in SnapCenter ?
Applies to
SnapCenter Server
The following will happen when removing a Host:
- Databases that are linked to the host will be removed from the NSM database/SnapCenter, and also removed from the Backups that they were a part of, so it's not longer possible to recover the databases using SnapCenter. Those backups that end up empty with respect to resources it contains will also be removed, including their Snapshots.
- Existing resource groups will loose the resources of the host, and cleaned up if no other reosurces/hosts are involved.
- You may also see that clones that were available, but no longer really active (removed Database clone from the target system, removed the cloned resources) will be cleared out with a warning on "(Job number) Clone deletion for hosts" that the SID is gone.
- The Plug-in will be uninstalled on the host.
Additional Information
All information about removing a host can be found in the manuals on the documentation center: Removing a host
If the plug-in uninstall hangs or fails, there are manual ways to fulfil that, and then remove the remaining host entry:
- Windows Plug-ins: How to manually remove the Windows Plug-in from its Host
- Linux/AIX Plug-ins, whose manual uninstall is described as part of this article