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Resolution Guide for Data Warehouse Extract Transfer Load (ETL) from OnCommand Insight Server connector

Last Updated:



Applies to

  • OnCommand Insight Server (OCI)
  • Data Warehouse (DWH)
  • OCI Connectors
  • Extract, Transfer, Load (ETL) process


This KB provides information related to the Data Warehouse ETL process of pulling data from OCI connectors.

DWH ETL connector basics Details
How to add OCI Server connectors to DWH Add OCI Connector to DWH to transfer data

High level DWH ETL overview

  • How DWH extracts data
  • DWH ETL process overview
DWH ETL Scheduling and Frequency
  • How often ETL happens by default
  • ETL schedule and frequency is configurable
How Historical data is retained
  • Default historical data retention settings
  • Data retention settings is configurable
  • Understanding data retention helps when sizing a DWH server
Managing ETL Jobs that pull data from OCI Connectors
  • Check the status of currently running jobs
  • Check the status of historical jobs
How to notify if ETL job has failed Set up email notifications for failed ETL jobs
Known issues that have prevented ETL from completing successfully Details
Blocked port 3306 causes OnCommand Insight (OCI) Data Warehouse (DWH) connector ETL to fail Port 3306 is required for OCI server and DWH data transfers
DWH ETL fails with : Failed running inventory job when OCI and DWH versions are mismatched OCI and DWH must be running the same versions of software
Data Warehous ETL "Jobs failed" when OnCommand Insight Server shut down during ETL transfer
  • Both OCI and DWH systems must remain online for ETL to complete
  • Automatic Windows updates often invoke host reboot.
OnCommand Data Warehouse ETL fails and user is unable to access the ‘Connectors’ window due to DWH password encryption file mismatch DWH Password Encryption keys do not match Encryption keys used by OCI Server
OnCommand Insight Data Warehouse Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) fail due to a full table in the MySQL database

Additional Information



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