OnCommand Insight Data Warehouse Binary backup fails with 'Failed to generate backup'
Applies to
- OnCommand Data Warehouse (DWH) 7.3+
- Binary Backup enabled
- Binary backup is failing with 'Failed to generate backup'
\Program Files\SANscreen\wildfly\standalone\log\dwh.log
shows the following error
Caused by: com.netapp.sanscreen.dwh.upgrade.UpgradeException: mysqlbackup script finished with exit code 6
\Program Files\SANscreen\wildfly\standalone\log\dwh_upgrade.log
shows the following error
220312 13:02:00 MAIN ERROR: MEB 8.0.22 is not compatible with server version '8.0.27'. Please use MEB version '8.0.27' to backup this server.
mysqlbackup exit code: 6, Mismatch in config and the value obtained
mysqlbackup failed with errors!