Migration of Elastic Search Indices in OnCommand Insight failing with timeout error
Applies to
- OnCommand Insight (OCI) 7.3.11
- Windows Server 2016
Customer running data migration tool for upgrade from OCI 7.3.11 to 7.3.13, failing with the following error:
C:\temp\SANScreenDataMigrationTool-x64-7.3.13-25> .\SANscreenDataMigrationTool.ps1
Preparing to perform migration...
Preparing to migrate oci-timeseries-hv_virtualmachine-2022-02-28: failed.
failed - no restored needed.
cleanup: done.
Command failed: com.netapp.oci.es.ClientRequestException: copyIndex [POST /_reindex] failed: 300.000 milliseconds timeout on commection http-outgoing-0 [ACTIVE]
Response was [** NOT CAPTURED **]
See log file at esTools-2022-04-05-08-34.log for more information
Execution time 0:05:02