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DB2 installation fails during DWH install

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Applies to

OCI/DWH 7.3.13


1: ERROR:The creation of the process for the partitioned instance failed. Return
value is "4294965336".
1: "C:\Program Files\IBM\DB2\SQLLIB\BIN\DB2ICRT.EXE" DB2 -s ese "/u:corp\ZSZ98YH,********" /r:60000,60005
1: ERROR:An error occurred while configuring the instance "DB2".
1: Configuring DB2 instances:.......Failure
1: Configuring DB2 extended security:.......Success
1: Configuring Remote Command Service:.......Success
1: Configuring DB2 Governor Service:.......Success
1: ERROR:An unknown error has occurred. The text associated with the error is
"INSTANCE DOES NOT EXIST.". If you require additional assistance contact a
technical service representative.
1: Configuring DB2 for use with Oracle data sources:.......Failure
1: ERROR:An unknown error has occurred. The text associated with the error is
"INSTANCE DOES NOT EXIST.". If you require additional assistance contact a
technical service representative.
1: Configuring DB2 for use with Sybase data sources:.......Failure
1: ERROR:An unknown error has occurred. The text associated with the error is
"INSTANCE DOES NOT EXIST.". If you require additional assistance contact a
technical service representative.
1: Configuring DB2 for use with Microsoft SQL Server data sources:.......Failure
1: Updating global profile registry:.......Success
1: Configuring the default DB2 copy:.......Success
1: Starting all DB2 services:.......Success
1: WARNING:A minor error occurred while installing "DB2 Server Edition - DB2COPY1"
on this computer. Some features may not function correctly.
1: DB2 Setup wizard has finished copying files to your computer. Shut down all software programs running on the system now. The programs can then be restarted and DB2 will be ready for use. However, a minor error occurred while installing this computer. Some features may not function correctly and some required system configuration tasks may not be completed successfully. The install log INSTAL~2.LOG is located in D:\Apps\OCISOF~1\SANSCR~1.12-.
CustomAction DeferredCallURE_CA returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking

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