Why does Active IQ Unified Manager report no performance statistics for a node?
Applies to
Active IQ Unified Manager
- Active IQ Unified Manager reports node statistics based on if the requests processed by a data lif residing on that node.
- The statistics are considered based on the node that receives the request and not the node that hosts the volume.
- 2-node cluster
- A volume that resides on node 2 is accessed via a data lif on node 1.
- This is considered indirect i/o and the IOPS will be counted for node 1 which received the request rather than node 2 where the volume resides.
Additional Information
- If no data is being seen for the cluster refer to the Performance troubleshooting guide.
- How to fix indirect I/O access
- Viewing node IOPS based on workloads that reside only on the local node