What are the notable log files and their respective locations for Active IQ Unified Manager?
Applies to
- OnCommnand Unified Manager 7.1 ( OCUM )
- OnCommnand Unified Manager 7.2 ( OCUM )
- OnCommnand Unified Manager 7.3 ( OCUM )
- OnCommnand Unified Manager 9.4 ( OCUM )
- OnCommnand Unified Manager 9.5 ( OCUM )
- Active IQ Unified Manager 9.6+ ( AQIUM )
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012
- Microsoft Windows Server 2016
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019
- Red Hat 6.x
- Red Hat 7.x
- CentOS 7.x
- VMware Virtual Machine OVA
The following is a summary of Active IQ Unified Manager log files and their locations:
Log File Name | Linux / OVA Location | Windows Location |
audit.log Notes : Contains information related to the deployments necessary to run OCIE or OCIEAU. |
/var/log/ocum |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocum\log |
boot.log | /var/log/ocie |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocie\log |
jboss.log | /var/log/ocie |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocie\log |
server.log Notes : Contains information related to the deployments necessary to run OCIE or OCIEAU. |
/var/log/ocie |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocie\log |
upgrade.log | /var/log/ocie |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocie\log |
server-mega.log Notes : Contains information related to processing of the acquisition. |
/var/log/ocie |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocie\log |
ocumserver.log Notes : Starting version 7.2, all UM server log entries are in this log. Up to and including version 7.1, this log only had INFO entries |
/var/log/ocum |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocum\log |
ocumserver-debug.log Notes : Exists up to and including version 7.1. Includes all UM server log entries. |
/var/log/ocum |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocum\log |
ocum-error.log Notes : Starting from version 7.2. Includes only excerpt of ERROR log entries from ocumserver.log file. |
/var/log/ocum |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocum\log |
ocum-report.log | /var/log/ocum |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocum\log |
zapi-outbound.log Notes : Starting from version 7.2. Contains specific ONTAP ZAPI requests and traces (i.e. MCC, spare disks) |
/var/log/ocum |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocum\log |
firstboot.log | /var/log/ocum |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocum\log |
stopwatch.log | /var/log/ocum |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocum\log |
dbsetup.log | /var/log/ocum |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\ocum\log |
au.log Notes : Acquisition Unit central log file. |
/var/log/ocie |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\au |
Acquisition Recordings | /var/log/ocie/recording |
\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommand\AppData\au\recording |
Mysql error log | /var/log/mysql/error.log |
\ProgramData\MYSQL\MySQLServerData\Data\<hostname>.err" |
Note: Some log files are not generated depending on the version.
Additional Information
For instructions support bundle collection see the Knowledge Article How to collect logs ( support bundle ) from Active IQ Unified Manager.