Unable to apply Performance Service Levels to resources with no capabilities in Active IQ Unified Manger
Applies to
Active IQ Unified Manger 9.x ( AIQUM )
When attempting to apply a Performance Service Level (PSL) to a workload (volume), the PSL fails to apply with the message:
Name: VolumeName
Reason: Cannot apply Performance Service Level with name Value for workload VolumeName on aggregate AggregateName. The resource does not have a preferred Performance Service Level.
When reviewing the ocumserver.log in AIQUM, messages similar to the ones below are seen:
2021-03-15 03:06:01,948 ERROR [oncommand] [opmSingleTaskExecutor-36] [c.n.i.s.p.util.ResourceSeedUtils] Found unknown disk type NOT_MAPPED, using the default one for now. Check what the disk type is and add support if needed.
2021-03-15 03:06:01,950 ERROR [oncommand] [opmSingleTaskExecutor-36] [c.n.i.s.p.s.ResourceCapabilityAnalysis] Cannot determine preferred performance service level for aggr 11391 and type HDD, performance disk class is unknown.
The log paths can be found in KB What are the notable log files and their respective locations for Active IQ Unified Manager?