Ontap ems severity to Active IQ Unified Manager event severity mapping
Applies to
Active IQ Unified Manager
Ontap ems severity to Active IQ Unified Manager event severity mapping
Additional Information
For every user subscribed OntapEms received by Active IQ Unified Manager, following information attributes of that OntapEms are stored in Active IQ Unified Manager Database (ocum.OntapEms
table), Here are the description of the fields in the table.
UM CLI Commands:
Processing for subscribed Ontap ems can be enable / disable by this global option. While this global option is disabled, customer can save EMS from UI but they won't be processed when received by Syslog. Default value for this option is Enabled
um option list ontap.generic.ems.processing.enabled
A record of all received subscribed Ontap ems is kept in OntapEms table and it is purged periodically. Following option controls the retention time duration for a subscribed ontap ems record. Default value is 30 days.
um option list ontap.ems.retention.duration
We can choose not to process few Ontap ems of severity types by using this global option. At present all Ontap EMS severity types are processed So its reflected by default value of this option If customer want to add or remove restriction on a certain ems severity, it can be done by changing the value of this global option. For example if customer disables [informational, notice, debug], it will look like following:
um option list ontap.ems.severity.types.disabled