How to use CA signed certificate for DFM server listening on 8488 port, when we already have the CA signed certificate for 8443 port
Applies to
Data Fabric Manager 5.2.5p1 (DFM)
- DFM runs two services for web traffic:
- http service that listens on 8443 port.
- “DFM Server” service that listens on 8488 port.
- So DFM application uses different certificate private key pair for secure communication on these ports.
- For HTTP service listening on 8443 port:
1. Certificate is stored under the path: <DFM-installation -directory>\conf\server.crt
2. Private key is stored under the path: <DFM-installation -directory>\conf\server.key
- For “DFM Server” service listening on 8488 port:
1. Certificate is stored under the path: <DFM-installation -directory>\conf\keys\certs\dfmcert.pem
2. Private Key is stored under the path: <DFM-installation -directory>\conf\keys\private_keys\dfmkey.pem