Fix it button does not work in ActiveIQ Unifed Manager due to insufficient privileges
Applies to
ActiveIQ Unified Manager 9.9 (UM)
- Trying to resolve events using the fix it button on the Event Management page or on the Management Actions section of the Dashboard does not work
- Error similar to the bellow in
2021-08-12 16:02:20,297 ERROR [low_priv_user] [job-327] [Perform event remediation|PROVISION_EXECUTE_SCRIPT] [c.n.dfm.common.script.ScriptService] Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/netapp/ocum/remediations/", line 129, in
um_utils.perform_remediation(REMEDIATION_OBJ, sys.argv[1:])
File "/opt/netapp/ocum/remediations/", line 243, in perform_remediation
exitCode = remediation.fix(umParams)
File "/opt/netapp/ocum/remediations/", line 112, in fix
if afterRunCmd.exitCode != 0 or not self.isModifySuccessfull(afterRunCmd, newInodes, totalInodes):
File "/opt/netapp/ocum/remediations/", line 48, in isModifySuccessfull
print("NEW Inode count {0} Original Inode count {1}".format(int(newInodesCount), int(originalInodes)))
TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'NoneType'
2021-08-12 16:02:20,305 ERROR [low_priv_user] [job-327] [Perform event remediation|PROVISION_EXECUTE_SCRIPT] [com.netapp.dfm.job.JobEngine] Error executing job 51b22e9e47dfbded:-5a90f909:17b3a5bf2fa:-74ae task 51b22e9e47dfbded:-5a90f909:17b3a5bf2fa:-74af: Failed to perform remediation for event 40029