OCUM reports osc.signatureMismatch error
Applies to
- OnCommand Unified Manager (OCUM)
- ONTAP 9.7
- Cloud Volume ONTAP (CVO)
- OCUM reports osc.signatureMismatch error
- The EMS event log of ONTAP records the same error for just once.
Sat May 02 07:48:36 PDT [node1: OscLowPriThreadPool: osc.signatureMismatch:error]: Object-store PUT operation server-calculated request signature does not match the signature sent to object-store server s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com for bucket or container "fabric-pool-9aeb2c1a-6c43-11e9-835f-11111111" on node 531d7c54-6c43-11e9-835f-8b399999999.