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NetApp Stage KB

Disk Inventory Mis-Match with AWS HA after adding spare disks

Last Updated:


Applies to

Cloud Volumes ONTAP (AWS)


  • Disk failures that were due to back end High-Performance Block (EBS) event.  The aggregate then showed (2) 'failed' disks:
Aggregate: aggr1 (failed, raid0, partial) (advanced zoned checksums)
  Plex: /aggr1/plex0 (offline, failed, inactive)
   RAID Group /aggr1/plex0/rg0 (partial, advanced_zoned checksums)
                                                  Usable   Physical
   Position  Disk              Pool  Type   RPM     Size       size  Status
   -------- ------           ------ -----  -----   -----     ------  ------
   data     Net-2.3             0    VMDISK   -     1007GB    1023GB  (normal)
   data     FAILED             0      -      -      1007GB        0B  (failed)
   data     FAILED             0      -      -      1007GB        0B  (failed)
  • The administrator then added (2) spare disks in the AWS portal while the EBS disks still showed as failed from the CVO side (CLI and System Manager). 
  • When the original 'failed' disks came back on line, a 'Takeover not possible' status is seen due to inventory mis-match:
awsfiler1::> cf status
Node           Partner        Possible State Description
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
awsfiler1-01 awsfiler1-02     true     Connected to awsfiler1-02
awsfiler1-02 awsfiler1-01     false    Connected to awspfiler1-01,
                                       Takeover is not possible: Local node
                                       missing partner disks
  • Additionally, EMS shows messages about missing disks:
awsfiler1-02   ERROR cf.disk.inventory.mismatch: Status of the disk 0f.15
(34363435:36316534:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000)has recently changed or the 
node(awsfiler1-02) is missing the disk.

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