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NetApp Stage KB

Could not find device information for volume group in SnapDrive output

not set
Last Updated:


Applies to

Snadrive for Unix (SDU)


Snapdrive is failing to discover the storage for the filesystem 

--[ERROR] FLOW-11019: Failure in Discover: SD-00018: Error discovering storage for /xxxxxx: SD- 10037: Could not find device information for volume group "xxxxxx" in snapdrive output.

Output of command "/usr/sbin/snapdrive storage show -fs /xxxxxx" was:

[, dg: xxxxxxx dgtype LVM_AIX, hostvol: /dev/xxxxxx state: AVAIL, fs: /dev/xxxxxx mount point: /xxxxxx (non-persistent) fstype jfs2, , device filename adapter path
size proto state clone lun path backing snapshot, ---------------- ------- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- -------- ----------------, /dev/hdisk4

information not available -- LUN may be offline, ].

--[ERROR] FLOW-11008: Operation failed: SD-00018: Error discovering storage for /xxxxxx: SD- 10037: Could not find device information for volume group "xxxxxx" in snapdrive output.

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