OnCommand Unified Manager event 'Database Backup Failed', 'Reason: Failed to create database backup using mysql utility'
Applies to
OnCommand Unified Manager 6.x
OnCommand Unified Manager is logging this event:
Event Name: Database Backup Failed
Event Description: Backup creation status.
Event Condition: Daily database backup 'UM_7.2_backup_unix_04-14-2018-12-15.7z' creation failed. Reason: Failed to create database backup using mysql utility.
Scheduled backup fails with the following error during the database backup:
' Daily database backup 'UM_7.0_backup_unix_.....7z' creation failed. Reason: Failed to create database backup using mysql utility.'
For more details, see the ocumserver-debug.log
mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show fields from `dictionary`': SELECT command denied to user 'jboss'@'localhost' for table 'dictionary'