Virtual AltaVault storage optimization service fails with std::bad_alloc
Applies to
- AltaVault Virtual Appliance (AVA-v)
- Storage Optimization Service
- Memory
Storage Optimization Service fails with errors like this:
Jan 26 05:21:55 localhost pm[1742]: [pm.ERR]: Output from rfsd: src/] tcmalloc: allocation failed 16384
Jan 26 05:21:55 localhost pm[1742]: [pm.ERR]: Output from rfsd: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
Jan 26 05:21:55 localhost pm[1742]: [pm.ERR]: Output from rfsd: what(): std::bad_alloc
Jan 26 05:21:55 localhost pm[1742]: [pm.ERR]: Output from rfsd: /opt/rbt/bin/rfsd (pid 13192) received signal 6 (SIGABRT) dumping core
Jan 26 05:21:55 localhost pm[1742]: [pm.ERR]: Output from rfsd: /opt/rbt/bin/rfsd STACK TRACE: #0 0x00ae623d in _ZN6Signal11handle_trapEiP9siginfo_tPv at /opt/rbt/bin/rfsd 0x400000+0x006e623d